Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Toothbrush Holders When You Have A Lot of Teeth!

So I have been searching for years for a way to hold all of our toothbrushes in a cheap, clean, sanitary, unmessy, organized way. I have tried actual toothbrush holders from the store but they never have enough spaces and they are usually glass which always gets broken or metal which eventually starts to rust. I tried using a nicer plastic cup but that seemed so unsanitary with all the toothbrushes touching.  And then one day while searching the Internet I came across a post that had the perfect idea. A way to put up our toothbrushes so that they will not be touching, they will dry and they are neatly organized.

Oh my can you guess what these are. 

Can you see better now, even with the glare? They are pen holders! Yes I bought my toothbrush holders at Office Max! Pen holders that already have the little sticky stuff on the back. All you have to do is peal off the backing and stick it up. And these little suckers are only about $2 for a package of 3! Cha Ching!

Now this is only my husband's, mine, and the boy's toothbrushes, but I put some up in the girls bathroom too. I also tried to color coordinate the boys toothbrushes with their towels. 

Life is so much easier when things are color coordinated. Or at least a little easier! 

Have a Blessed Day Y'all! 

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