About Me

I am a stay at home wife/mom of 14 children. My husband and I married in January of 1989. Our first child was a girl and was born in December of 1989. We then had 6 more girls. In 2001, I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy! and then 6 more after him. My last baby boy was born in June of 2013. But don’t define me by how many babies I have had, I am a regular woman. I am not perfect , not married to the perfect man, most definitely do not have perfect children, and do not keep a perfect house. I love to sew, embroider, decorate, organize, coupon and deep clean. I am forever searching for a good new recipe, a great old recipe, a cheap craigslist find, a major Internet bargain, a way to turn something old and ugly into something new and fabulous, a new way to organize anything, and a fun party idea. I love a fountain coke with crushed ice, the sound of the vacuum cleaner running when I am not pushing it, rainy days, Downton Abbey, holding my babies, making lists, Thursdays, taking pictures, and getting a pedicure with a friend!

Some days you can find me getting a little crazy and getting a little loud trying to juggle life with 3 teenagers, 4 grade school boys, and 2 little ones living under the same roof! My 5 oldest are living on their own with one married.

The last five years has been an non-stop roller coaster ride. We lost our house and the 40 acres we called home for 16 years. We seemed to be stuck on a merry-go-round for the next 4 years. Not sure of what step to take next, we moved into a rental home. After struggling to make life work, my husband took a "regular" job after running a construction business for the last 25 years and we filed for bankruptcy. It wasn't what we wanted to do but the amount of money we owed the IRS would have never been paid off in this lifetime. So after 4 years of roller coaster we decided take a flying leap.  We moved out of the county my husband had lived in his entire life and I for 30 years.  My mom helped us get a double wide mobile home located on 2 acres.  And so here we are, trying to make a new life, with a new job, and a new lower level of income.

I love the Lord and ultimately seek to serve Him through everything I do. So whether you are old, young, single, married, have 1 child or 20, I hope you might find something interesting, funny, or inspirational on my blog and come back often.
Email me if you have a question or just want to say something nice, but please no rude criticizing emails, life is hard enough!
Have a Blessed Day!

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